Melinda Marasch, LCSW
Ms. Melinda Marasch is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a social work/mental health trainer and consultant. Melinda has dedicated more than 20 years to her passion in helping others. She specializes in clinical training, supervision and development of programs for therapists and direct care workers. Melinda has completed a lengthy Trauma Stress Studies course and is a member of the international Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT). Her expertise includes helping therapist and non-therapist direct care workers understand and utilize Healing (Trauma) Informed Care and Motivational Interviewing theory and approaches. Melinda has experience in residential, school & outpatient care, within criminal justice, healthcare (e.g. HIV/AIDS medical case managers, patient navigators), public (e.g. department of human services case workers), and community-based organizations. Melinda has presented numerous trainings across the U.S. on therapeutic approaches such as Healing (Trauma) Informed Care, self-care, Motivational Interviewing, mental/behavioral health issues, de-escalation and more.